One of the reasons that significantly distinguish luxury escorts is the fact that they speak several languages, since most of the escorts are or have been university students, in other cases high class escorts, who work as international models, having the possibility of becoming less familiar with the language of the country, being aware that currently the English language is the most spoken in terms of second language, in countries such as the United Kingdom or the United States of America the second language of learning is usually the French and Spanish, which is also spoken in almost all of South America. GFE escorts are also considered as girls who master several languages and also with social attitudes of educated and interesting conversations, it is essentially something very favorable for gentlemen who visit Spain for business or pleasure, to count on the services of the escort ladies with full understanding, because they speak among other languages, English, French, German, Italian and of course Spanish.
Esperanto, universally spoken and written language, has experienced growth since its inception in the 19th century in Poland, where Polish was spoken by families, Russian was the language of government and the German language of many of its neighbors. The son of a linguist who spoke several languages, realized that learning a new language was not so easy for others. Then he began to discuss a possible universal language in his project, with the aim of creating a language free of any political or cultural link, which should also be easy enough for anyone to learn quickly. Thus began the story of Esperanto, a language created to facilitate communication between people, attend conferences, read more than 3,500 books, listen to the radio and communicate with inhabitants in countries around the world in Esperanto.
Esperanto vocabulary is mainly based on Romance languages. Although it is a fable, the story mentions, The Tower of Babel which is a biblical illusion, which recounts the pride and pride of man, this building commented on in the Bible, exposes the problem at the beginning of the diffusion of languages in a sea of confusion, the phenomenon called communication, everyone spoke the same language and used the same words, when men emigrated from the East, they found a region of Senaar where they settled in place, to build a tower challenging earthly boundaries and reach the honey, it was not possible to confuse men with different languages. Today it would be possible to unify all languages with Esperanto, although logically each community wants to preserve its own language, this circumstance is currently not a problem, people are increasingly able to learn several languages, since new Technologies make it very easy.
In Madrid, Silvana high standing model, with a perfect figure with long legs, a girl to meet personally contemplating and savoring a top model body, with beautiful natural breasts, not forgetting to comment on her great beauty of face, with her eyes that They hypnotize sensually speaking, very young girl, but with attitude and knowing how to be GFE, an escort from Madrid who speaks English with great sympathy. Similarly, mention that she is a dynamic and sweet girl, with elegance and class, in English considered one of the high class escorts in Madrid, which offers outings to luxury hotels, in English language outcall hotel. He likes sports and English literature, has a sensual predisposition expended, in addition he has a model physicist accompanied by a beautiful face, one of the most interesting options in Madrid.
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The fantastic Lulu, an Andalusian resident in Barcelona, considered one of the best high class Escorts in Barcelona who speak English, is fluent in English since she lived in London for several years, one of her works is a photographic model with The specialty in artistic nude, his unbeatable physique with unquestionable beauty of face, allows him to be very successful with the looks of the gentlemen and why not say it, also of the women. She says! I am a Spanish girl with a sense of humor and know how to be with discretion, ideal elegance in any intimate and social occasion, I have had the opportunity to travel, so I consider myself multicultural, I consider myself with excellent attitudes to be a good companion, if you are English speaking, don’t worry, I speak perfect English.
Do you want to meet a high class escort from Barcelona (outcall) who speaks English?
One of the escorts of Madrid, without a doubt is Yolanda, one of the Escorts in Madrid who speak French, is a high-class attendant hostess, a luxury to meet Yolanda personally, why? It has a beauty and charm that make it very seductive, it is the optimized result of a combination of physique and great personality, with its GFE attitude it will give you evidence of its manners and high level in discretion and knowing how to be. A Spanish escort who in addition to speaking French, also offers a sublime natural French, is the perfect lover in many ways, in seduction, in implication, and throbbing passion, if you only speak French do not have doubts, she is the ideal girl to share moments of leisure and pleasure in any luxury hotel, in the Spanish Capital.
See more Madrid escorts who speak French
Mention that Carla is one of the luxury blonde escorts who speak English, available in Barcelona and travel, a Spanish woman who has traveled a lot as a model, very attractive with very clear eyes, a stylized body with rather large breasts, has the gift of People with naturalness, of good education and free spirit, have light brown wavy hair with blond wicks, tall and slender runway type model. She works part-time, as a model of fine lingerie, likes to share her sensuality with good harmony and sense of humor, with free rein to sensual passion, available from Monday to Sunday at agreed hours in advance. In Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Zaragoza and other Spanish cities you have a high selection of Spanish and international blonde escorts who speak English.
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Is one of the luxury escorts in Madrid who also speaks German, commenting that she has the opportunity to meet, a young escort Girlfriend Experience, in English means having an experience with the girlfriend, although the acronym GFE is also used, in reality Having an experience with Nathalie is synonymous with satisfaction, both visually and in the contact of bare skins, summarizing we are talking that the girl has a predisposition to offer more than sex. She has a fascinating physique, with very beautiful and erect natural breasts, a beauty with a captivating face while pleasant to contemplate, charming and very affectionate and kind that speaks several languages among them German, a very accommodating young escort with a GFE attitude.
See more escorts in Madrid who speak German
We want to highlight that it is a high class luxury escort, high standing model in Barcelona, of great beauty, both face and physical, super spectacular model with perfect figure seen from all four cardinal points, of natural breasts with a fantastic size , and a captivating face beauty, illuminated by pretty green eyes. Girl with university studies, speaks several languages in addition to Spanish, English and German, with a very good attitude with class, elegant and discreet, ideal for any social and sensual occasion, works as a hostess and model in advertising campaigns of prestigious fine lingerie firms both in Spain and in Germany, so it allows you to travel and have a very interesting charisma to meet personally. Merlene with little clothes is the cover photo in summer of a fashion magazine.
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First of all, comment that Nina is a charm in every way, from her way of being, to her wonderful radiant body of youth, completely natural from head to toe, with a silhouette that dazzles the eye and touch, since it has a smooth and smooth skin that attracts the sublime fragrance that its pores give off, without forgetting at any time its beautiful face with fine features with a mouth to be tasted endlessly, pulls several languages among them Italian, so without any doubt We can consider her as a true young luxury escort in Barcelona, ideal for short dates and especially for evenings of the night and days, since she is a companion to share moments of leisure and pleasure in a very special way.